Kent Iwemyr
Mitt eget Hagalund / My Own Hagalund, 2023
Akryl på duk / Acrylic on linen
50,5x60,5 cm
När jag var ung fanns här en plats som hette Tomtebo. Där fanns en vacker järnvägsstation, en bank och två små hotell. De flesta husen var prydda med tinnar och...
När jag var ung fanns här en plats som hette Tomtebo. Där fanns en vacker järnvägsstation, en bank och två små hotell. De flesta husen var prydda med tinnar och torn. Allt påminde väldigt mycket om konstnären Olle Olssons Hagalund. Tyvärr försvann både Tomtebo och Hagalund i 70-talets rivningsvåg.
When I was young there was a place here called Tomtebo. There were a beautiful railway station, a bank and two small hotels. Most of the houses were decorated with pinnacles and towers. Everything was very reminiscent of the artist Olle Olsson’s Hagalund. Unfortunately, both Tomtebo and Hagalund disappeared in the demolition wave of the 70s.
When I was young there was a place here called Tomtebo. There were a beautiful railway station, a bank and two small hotels. Most of the houses were decorated with pinnacles and towers. Everything was very reminiscent of the artist Olle Olsson’s Hagalund. Unfortunately, both Tomtebo and Hagalund disappeared in the demolition wave of the 70s.