Charlie Roberts | Hex

23 January - 2 March 2014
Press Release

We are pleased to present Charlie Roberts's third solo exhibition in the gallery: Hex. The exhibition presents new paintings, drawings and sculptures. Between January 16-22, visitors can follow the process as Charlie Roberts works with a site-specific sculpture and the installation of the exhibition.

Charlie Roberts's work takes us to a manic, obsessive mindstream of an eclectic collector of contemporary pop culture and art history. Everything is sampled and laid out without hierarchical order and judgements. Roberts uses a wide range of materials and masters a furious force as well as a sensitive subtleness. Abstract patterns, flowing colors and a primitive brutality alongside tender lines, seductive realism and psychedelic poetry. The new works have a more restrained and focused tone, both in content and execution. Every single picture or sculpture holds its own autonomous world. A magical, bizarre and bewitched place. A paradise of sins.


…. these paintings construct a self-contained (if not self-consistent) imaginary world that comes to an end at the edges of the canvas: a world of bright colors and insouciantly coiled lines describing schematic, ornamental bodies without depth. (…) it is committed to pure play without consequence in the world off the field (off the canvas). And that's refreshing at a time when most art strain so mightily (and often so vainly) for significance - when it is always supposed to be interrogating something or at least establishing its own radicality…


From Barry Schwabsky's review of the exhibition Sporty Girlsat David Risley Gallery, Copenhagen. Artforum, October 2013.



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