Hans Lannér | Omsorg / Care
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Hans Lannér works in a dissolved but yet precise manner, where each smear of colour is both body and content. Where the motif is both simple and inscrutable.
Galleri Magnus Karlsson is proud to present the first solo exhibition by Hans Lannér in the gallery.
Hans Lannér works with images from various origins - moments from journeys, everyday life compositions, abstract thoughts and fading memories. He works in a dissolved but yet precise manner, where each smear of colour is both body and content. Where the motif is both simple and inscrutable.
The new paintings contains some of his constantly recurring elements - buildings, landscapes, places and objects. In addition there are also some, for him, bigger paintings which are stripped and drastic, and a series of bleeding water colours in an intimate scale.
There is a timeless fateful quality in Lannér's work that Ulf Linde described in catalogue text:
“...When our own species has died out the earth will continue to spin without us. The horizon will continue to be horizontal, weights will continue to fall straigt downwards, night will continue to follow on day: everything that the man crossing the road never needs to think about but takes for granted. This is what Hans Lannér gives expression to in his little, etched hymns.”
(from the book Hans Lannér, Carlsson bokförlag, 2008)
“...När vårt eget släkte dött ut snurrar jorden oss förutan. Horisonten fortsätter att vara vågrät, tyngder fortsätter att falla rakt ned, natt fortsätter att avlösa dag: allt det som mannen som går över gatan aldrig behöver tänka på utan tar för givet. Det är vad Hans Lannér ger uttryck åt i sina små etsade hymner.”
(ur boken Hans Lannér, Carlsson bokförlag, 2008)