Press Release

In the autumn of 2010 Galleri Magnus Karlsson celebrates its first 20 years with the exhibition “Today is Yesterday Tomorrow”. Since the inception the gallery has presented Swedish contemporary art in Sweden as well as internationally. After the initial years in Västerås (1990-1997) the gallery started its business at Riddargatan 29 in Stockholm (1997-2005). In the autumn of 2005 the gallery moved to its present location at the ground floor of the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts, Fredsgatan 12, in the centre of Stockholm. The gallery annually participates at the Frieze Art Fair and the Armory Show in New York, and collaborates with several of the leading galleries in the world.

This exhibition is a retrospect of the artists and the gallery’s common history. Significant works that have been shown by the gallery in different contexts have been recovered from private collectors, institutions and museums. Additionally new works by all of the gallery artists is also presented. The exhibition shows the gallery’s whole width of painting, drawing, sculpture, video and photography. Through the history and the present perhaps even the future can be glimpsed?

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