Duda Bebek
A Cut Across the Sky, 2023
The Strange Seed, 2023
The Surrenderist, 2023
Babyrolex / Baby Rolex, 2022
Blixten / The Flash, 2022
Koko, 2022
Push Notifications, 2022
Svansen på katten / The Tail of the Cat, 2022
Den gröna skärmen / The Green Screen, 2021
Den röda mattan / The Red Carpet, 2021
Det rosa ljuset / The Pink Light, 2021
Ensamma tillsammans / Alone Together, 2021
Duda Bebek explors themes related to modern motherhood. Through personal and revealing images, she depicts scenes where the worlds of mother and child merge in intimacy or separate in moments of conflict. A suggestive imagery, where everyday realism meets echoes of art history and allegories. We are taken on a dramatic journey through the small passages that make up life – a fragile existence where calm and chaos coexist.
Duda Bebek was born 1983. She lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden. She was educated at the Valand Academy in Gothenburg, Sweden (2007–2012), with an exchange at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Austria (2010–2012). She has exhibited in Sweden and internationally since 2013. Her first collaborations with Galleri Magnus Karlsson were in the group exhibition Necessity (2022) and a highly acclaimed solo presentation at Market Art Fair, Stockholm, Sweden (2023).
Bebek is represented in the collection of The Public Art Agency Sweden and LKV, Sweden (Linköpings konstmuseums vänner).
Duda Bebek utforskar teman kopplade till det moderna moderskapet. I personliga och självutlämnande bilder skildras skeenden och ögonblick där mammans och barnets världar smälter samman i intimitet och separeras i stunder av konflikt. En suggestiv bildvärld där vardagsrealism förenas med konsthistoriska ekon och allegorier. Vi får följa med på en dramatisk resa genom de små passager som utgör livet – en skör tillvaro där lugn och kaos existerar sida vid sida.
Duda Bebek (Sverige, f. 1983) bor och arbetar i Stockholm. Hon är utbildad på Konsthögskolan Valand i Göteborg (2007–2012) med ett utbyte vid Konstakademien i Wien (2010–2012). Hon har ställt ut i Sverige och internationellt sedan 2013. Hennes första samarbeten med Galleri Magnus Karlsson var i grupputställningen Necessity (2022) och en uppmärksammad solopresentation på Market Art Fair (2023). Bebek är representerad i samlingarna hos Statens Konstråd och Linköpings konstmuseums vänner.
Duda Bebek | Phantom
7 Sep - 12 Oct 2024Reception Saturday September 7, 12–4 pm Vernissage lördag 7 september kl. 12–16 (Scroll down for Swedish text) We are delighted to announce Duda Bebek’s first solo exhibition at the gallery....Read more -
Showroom presentation | October-November
Works by gallery artists 14 Oct - 18 Nov 2023In our showroom we regurarly display artworks by gallery artists. Please click on the link below to explore what we have currently on view: Showroom presentation, October-November 2023Read more -
Duda Bebek | Market Art Fair 2023
12 - 14 May 2023(Scroll down for Swedish) We are delighted to present a solo exhibition by Duda Bebek at Market Art Fair 2023. The gallery will exhibit a series of new paintings made...Read more -
Duda Bebek | Målningar / Paintings
The Inner Room of the Gallery 11 - 19 Nov 2022(Scroll down for Swedish) Duda Bebek in the inner room of the gallery Reception Friday November 11, 12–8 pm The exhibition runs until November 19 During the Gallery Weekend Stockholm,...Read more
Källan / The Spring
Group Exhibition with Gallery Artists 2 Jun - 16 Jul 2022 -
Duda Bebek, Clara Gesang-Gottowt, James Morse, Daisy Parris, Mohammed Sami & Alejandro Sintura 22 Jan - 5 Mar 2022Duda Bebek, Clara Gesang-Gottowt, James Morse, Daisy Parris, Mohammed Sami & Alejandro SinturaRead more
Conversation between Duda Bebek and Anna Axfors
LISTEN TO THE CONVERSATION ON OUR INSTAGRAM September 25, 2024Conversation between Duda Bebek and Anna Axfors in the gallery. In connection with Duda Bebek’s exhibition Phantom which runs until October 12. The conversation is...Read more -
Duda Bebek at AucArt
”Whispers”, AucArt, 16.11.2022–14.5.2023 November 22, 2022Duda Bebek in an online group exhibition at AucArt. From AucArt website: Whispers presents a group of exciting new talents and emerging Swedish artists, many...Read more -
Duda Bebek in the inner room of the gallery
Galleri Magnus Karlsson, Stockholm, Sweden, 11-19.11 2022 November 4, 2022(Scroll down for Swedish) Duda Bebek in the inner room of the gallery Reception Friday November 11, 12–8 pm The exhibition runs until November 19...Read more -
Duda Bebek at Göteborgs Konstförening
”Duda Bebek & Fanny Saga Matilda”, Göteborgs Konstförening, Göteborg, Sweden, 20.8–11.9 August 18, 2022Duda Bebek is participating in a group exhibition at Göteborgs Konstförening, Göteborg, Sweden. For more information: https://www.goteborgskonstforening.org -- Duda Bebek deltar i en grupputställning på...Read more
Review in Konsten.net, Duda Bebek
Magnus Bons, Konsten.net, September 26, 2024 -
Review in Omkonst, Duda Bebek
Susanna Slöör, Omkonst, September 17, 2024 -
Interview in Art Notes, Duda Bebek
Sofia Edgren, Art Notes, September 7, 2024 -
Interviews in Artlover, Mamma Andersson & Duda Bebek
Sofia Curman & Maria Hall, Artlover, May 10, 2023