Tommy Hilding
In his recent exhibitions, Tommy Hilding has worked with a large variety of expressions in his paintings. He explores several paths simultaneously, and sometimes combines them in one painting. At the core there is a documentary and realistic visual language in which Hilding carefully constructs images of urbanity or the surrounding nature. A more abstract and spontaneous way of painting eats its way into the imagery and exists both inside and outside the motif itself. In later years, Hilding has also tenderly integrated samples from art history into his paintings. These are usually motifs from 19th-century romantic painting which either blend seamlessly into the image or are put in contrast with the contemporary. Tommy Hilding’s paintings portray an ambivalence and rootlessness that exist in our time. He challenges chronology and reverses concepts with a language that is playful yet urgent.
Tommy Hilding (b.1954 in Skagersvik, Sweden) lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden. He has exhibited at galleries and institutions since the late 1980s. He is represented in the collections of Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Västerås Konstmuseum, Norrköpings Konstmuseum, Stockholm City, Folke Bernadotte Academy, Kramfors, and The Public Art Agency Sweden. He is one of the contemporary artists in the exhibition The Romantic Eye at Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden.
Tommy Hilding har i sina senaste utställningar arbetat med en stor variation av uttryck i sina målningar. Han utforskar flera vägar samtidigt och kombinerar dem ibland i en och samma målning. I grunden finns ett dokumentärt och realistiskt bildspråk där Hilding omsorgsfullt konstruerar bilder av urbanitet, natur och interiörer. Ett mer abstrakt och spontant måleri äter sig in i bilderna och finns både inom och utanför själva motivet. På senare år har Hilding också ömsint integrerat lån från konsthistorien i sina målningar. Det handlar då oftast om motiv från 1800-talets romantiska måleri som antingen smälter in i bilden eller ställs i kontrast till det samtida. Tommy Hildings målningar gestaltar en ambivalens och rotlöshet som finns i vår tid. Han utmanar kronologin och vänder på begreppen med ett språk som är både lekfullt och angeläget.
Tommy Hilding (f.1954 i Skagersvik, Sverige) bor och arbetar i Stockholm, Sverige. Han har ställt ut på gallerier och institutioner sedan slutet av 1980-talet. Han finns representerad i samlingarna på bl.a. Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Västerås Konstmuseum, Norrköpings Konstmuseum, Stockholms Stad, Folke Bernadotteakademin, Kramfors och Statens Konstråd. Han är även aktuell i Nationalmuseums uppmärksammade utställning Romantiken – ett sätt att se.
Tommy Hilding | Paintings / Målningar
Galleriets inre rum / The Inner Room of the Gallery 8 - 30 Nov 2024Drink and presentation of the new book and exhibition Friday November 8, 6 pm Extended hours during Gallery Weekend Stockholm: Friday November 8, 12–7 pm Saturday November 9, 12–6 pm...Read more -
Chart Art Fair 2024
Charlottenborg, Copenhagen 29 Aug - 1 Sep 2024We are delighted to present the group exhibition Scenes and Arrangements at Chart Art Fair in Copenhagen, Denmark. Participating artists: Amy Bennett, Jens Fänge, Tommy Hilding, Johanna Karlsson, Bruno Knutman...Read more -
Showroom presentation | October-November
Works by gallery artists 14 Oct - 18 Nov 2023In our showroom we regurarly display artworks by gallery artists. Please click on the link below to explore what we have currently on view: Showroom presentation, October-November 2023Read more -
Tommy Hilding | Inversion
4 Mar - 5 Apr 2023Reception Saturday March 4, 12–4 pm Vernissage lördag 4 mars kl. 12–16 (Scroll down for Swedish) We are delighted to announce Tommy Hilding’s fourteenth solo exhibition at the gallery. Inversion...Read more
Tommy Hilding | Borealis
Music by Brian Eno | Hellvi Kännungs, Gotland 14 Jul - 7 Aug 2022 -
Källan / The Spring
Group Exhibition with Gallery Artists 2 Jun - 16 Jul 2022 -
Summer Group Show
Group Exhibition with Gallery Artists 12 - 24 Jun 2021(Scroll down for Swedish) We are pleased to present a summer group show with works by gallery artists. Participating artists: Mamma Andersson, Idun Baltzersen, Amy Bennett, Helene Billgren, Anna Bjerger,...Read more -
Stilla liv / Still Life
Group exhibition at Hellvi Kännungs, Gotland 13 Jul - 2 Aug 2020(Scroll down for Swedish) We are pleased to announce the ninth summer exhibition at Hellvi Kännungs, Gotland, Sweden. The exhibition Still Life presents a personal selection of paintings, sculptures and...Read more
Group exhibition with gallery artists 26 Mar - 2 May 2020(Scroll down for Swedish) Texts by the artists about the exhibited works: I can distinguish both of you against the mountainface. On the other side of the river where small...Read more -
Tommy Hilding | Revisited
26 Oct - 14 Dec 2019(Scroll down for Swedish) We are pleased to present Tommy Hilding’s thirteenth solo exhibition at the gallery. The paintings in the exhibition Revisited invites us to travel in time, from...Read more -
Stockholm Calling, London
Asia House, London, UK, 2.10–7.10 2018 2 - 7 Oct 2018Galleri Magnus Karlsson moves to London this autumn! After nearly 20 years at art fairs in Europe and the USA we are trying out new ways of presenting our artists...Read more -
Painting | Chart Art Fair 2017
Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1.9–3.9 2017 1 - 3 Sep 2017We are pleased to be a part of Chart Art Fair in Copenhagen for the fifth consecutive year. At this year's edition of Chart we will show a wide variety...Read more
Tommy Hilding | Escapeland
12 Nov - 18 Dec 2016(Scroll down Swedish) We are pleased to present the our twelfth solo exhibition by Tommy Hilding. The paintings in Escapeland connect history with present – a contemporary language collides with...Read more -
c/o Hotel le Manoir
Group exhibition with gallery artists 14 Sep - 31 Dec 2015(Scroll down for Swedish) Galleri Magnus Karlsson has partnered with Hotel le Manoir in Banyuls-sur-Mer, France. We will make on-site exhibitions with gallery artists and also work towards an exchange...Read more -
Minnena ser oss
Tommy Hilding, Susanne Johansson, Tova Mozard & Per B Sundberg, Hellvi Kännungs, Gotland 5 - 27 Jul 2014(Scroll down for Swedish) We are pleased to present this summer's exhibition at Hellvi Kännungs, Gotland. The converted 19th century barn on the north-eastern Gotland serves as Galleri Magnus Karlsson's...Read more -
Tommy Hilding | Amygdala
21 May - 28 Jun 2014(Scroll down for Swedish) We are pleased to present Tommy Hilding’s (b.1954) 11th exhibition at the gallery. Amygdala presents a new series of paintings in the inner room of the...Read more
mamma andersson, roger andersson, lars arrhenius, thomas broomé, sara-vide ericson, carl hammoud, tommy hilding, kent iwemyr, richard johansson, susanne johansson, lisa jonasson, ulf lundin, klara kristalova, maria nordin & dan wolgers 9 Apr - 17 May 2014(Scroll down for Swedish) We are pleased to present the group exhibition 2014 . A selection of gallery artists including: Mamma Andersson, Lars Arrhenius, Thomas Broomé, Sara-Vide Ericson, Carl Hammoud,...Read more -
Time Waits for Us
Gallery Artists 30 May - 18 Aug 2013(Scroll down for Swedish) Galleri Magnus Karlsson is pleased to announce a group exhibition that will be on display throughout the summer. In conjunction with the inauguration of Nationalmuseum’s temporary...Read more -
Tommy Hilding | Longing Not Belonging
10 Jan - 10 Feb 2013(Scroll down for Swedish) Galleri Magnus Karlsson is pleased to announce Tommy Hilding’s (b.1954) tenth exhibition in the gallery. Longing Not Belonging presents a new series of paintings made during...Read more -
Tommy Hilding | B-sides
24 Mar - 1 Jun 2011(Scroll down for Swedish) This is Tommy Hilding’s ninth solo exhibition at the gallery. The exhibition shows a selection of the new series of paintings, B-SIDES . ”I’m particulary fond...Read more
Idag är igår imorgon / Today is Yesterday Tomorrow
Gallery Artists 24 Aug - 1 Oct 2010In the autumn of 2010 Galleri Magnus Karlsson celebrates its first 20 years with the exhibition “Today is Yesterday Tomorrow”. Since the inception the gallery has presented Swedish contemporary art...Read more -
Tommy Hilding | Face Ad
26 Aug - 26 Sep 2009(Scroll down for Swedish) FACE AD is Tommy Hilding’s eight exhibition at the gallery. This time his view is pointed towards the city; the monotonous facades of the million-program*, the...Read more -
Tommy Hilding | Nya målningar / New Paintings
23 Mar - 29 Apr 2006 -
Galleriet / The Gallery
Group Exhibition with Gallery Artists 1 - 24 Sep 2005Participating artists: Mamma Andersson, Roger Andersson, Lars Arrhenius, Bianca Maria Barmen, Mette Björnberg, Marcel Dzama, Niklas Eneblom, Carl Hammoud, Tommy Hilding, Kent Iwemyr, Richard Johansson, Johanna Karlsson, Klara Kristalova, Petra...Read more
Tommy Hilding | Sensor
8 May - 13 Jun 2003Galleri Magnus Karlsson är har glädjen att presentera Tommy Hildins (f.1954) fjärde utställning på galleriet i Stockholm. 'Sensor' är en serie målningar, vardera 40x60 cm, som är utförda mellan 2001...Read more -
Tommy Hilding | Del 2 / Part 2
18 Jan - 11 Feb 2001 -
Tommy Hilding | Del 1 / Part 1
16 Nov - 17 Dec 2000 -
Tommy Hilding
5 Feb - 1 Mar 1998
Tommy Hilding
21 Sep - 13 Oct 1996 -
Group exhibition 31 Aug - 1 Oct 1995Participating artists: Pernilla Dure, Hans Frode, Jens Fänge, Tomas Gustavsson, Maria Hedlund, Tommy Hilding, Anders Hultman, Kent Iwemyr, Peter Johansson, Anne-Marie Nordin, Michael Reuter & Per Wennerstrand.Read more -
Tommy Hilding
4 Feb - 2 Mar 1994
Book Release Tommy Hilding
Galleri Magnus Karlsson, Friday November 8, 6 pm October 24, 2024Drink and presentation of the book and exhibition at 6 PM. The release and exhibition are organised in connection with Gallery Weekend Stockholm. -- Drink...Read more -
Mamma Andersson, Tommy Hilding & Johanna Karlsson at Nationalmuseum
”The Romantic Eye / Romantiken – ett sätt att se”, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden, 26.9 2024–5.1 2025 September 17, 2024From press release: A world of frightening yet enticing imagery, opening up to reveal mysterious spaces. A world that turns trivial details into poetry and...Read more -
Tommy Hilding at Galleri Thomassen
”Borealis”, Galleri Thomassen, Gothenburg, Sweden, 28.3—21.4 2024 February 22, 2024Solo exhibition showcasing works by Tommy Hilding with music composed by Jens Patric Svensson. For more information: www.gallerithomassen.seRead more -
Tommy Hilding at Galleri Thomassen
”Winter Show”, Galleri Thomassen, Gothenburg, Sweden, 10.2–3.3 2024 February 21, 2024Press Release from Galleri Thomassen: Participating artists: Gustav Sparr, Gabriele Basch, Marie Dahlstrand, Daniel EKTA Götesson, Andrea Damp, Christina Skårud, Erik Berglin, Juri Markkula, Ruben...Read more
Tommy Hilding, Peter Köhler & Ebba Svensson at Liljevalchs+
”Stockholm konst gästar Liljevalchs+”, Liljevalchs+, Stockholm, Sweden, 23.2—21.4 2024 February 8, 2024Från pressrelease: Stockholm konst ansvarar för stadens konstsamling. För tredje året i rad ställs ett urval av de senaste nyförvärven som gjorts till samling ut...Read more -
Conversation between Tommy Hilding and Sara-Vide Ericson (now online)
Thursday March 16, 6.00 pm March 9, 2023Watch the conversation (in Swedish, use headphones). We are delighted to invite you to a conversation between Tommy Hilding and Sara-Vide Ericson at the gallery...Read more -
Tommy Hilding at Palazzo Ducale
”Biennale, Le Latitudini dell’Arte V ed. Sweden and Italy”, Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italy, 15.6–3.9 2022 June 21, 2022Tommy Hilding is participating in a group exhibition at Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italy. For more information: more -
Gallery artists in ”Vårsalongen 100 år” at Liljevalchs
”Vårsalongen 100 år”, Liljevalchs, Stockholm, Sweden, 20.5–21.8 2022 May 19, 2022Works in the exhibition by: Carl Hammoud Tommy Hilding Bruno Knutman Klara Kristalova Hans Lannér Maria Nordin Jockum Nordström et al. From pressrelease: This summer...Read more
Tommy Hilding at Sam Francis Gallery
”Growing Pains: corporate overextension”, Sam Francis Gallery, US, 17.2 2021 February 17, 2021From press release: Featuring works by artists Yrneh Gabon Brown, Liz Glynn, Tommy Hilding, Sam Keller, Glen Rubsamen, Michael Vahrenwald and Erik Winkowski. Student Organized...Read more -
Helene Billgren, Jens Fänge, Carl Hammoud, Tommy Hilding & Jeff Olsson at Bohusläns Museum
”Art Attack—52 Contemporary Artists”, Bohusläns Museum, Uddevalla, Sweden, 15.6—16.8 2020 June 15, 2020From press release: Welcome to our summer exhibition Art Attack delivering a real injection of contemporary art to you! Art Attack was born out of...Read more -
”Föreställningar om naturen”, Västerås konstmuseum
Sara-Vide Ericson, Tommy Hilding, Richard Johansson& Johanna Karlsson et al., Västerås konstmuseum, Sweden January 25, 2020Från pressrelease: Välkommen på vernissagen för utställning 'Föreställningar om naturen' lördag den 25 januari kl 14.00. Mikael Ahlund, konsthistoriker och museichef för Gustavianum i Uppsala...Read more -
Niklas Eneblom, Tommy Hilding & Jeff Olsson at Galleri Thomassen
”A Lot A Lot”, Galleri Thomassen, Gothenburg, Sweden, 13—30.4 2017 April 13, 2017Participating artists: Alexandra Kern, Alina Vergnano, Amalia Bille, Amy Bernstein, Andrea Damp, Andreas Korsár, Andreas R Andersson, Anette Folkedotter, Ann Eringstam, Anne Pira, Ann-Sofie Claesson,...Read more
Tommy Hilding at Örebro Konsthall
”Måleri”, Örebro Konsthall, Örebro, Sweden February 28, 2015From Press Release (in Swedish only): Tommy Hildings närmast fotorealistiska landskap är urbana, oftast förortsmiljöer. Arkitektur, gator och lekplatser, och ibland människor, tar gestalt i...Read more -
Tommy Hilding at Domain de Chamarande, France
”Vues, Landscapes today after Hubert Robert”, Domain de Chamarande, France, 30.11 2013—30.4 2014 November 30, 2013Participating artists: Guillaume Bresson , Etienne de France , Cyprien Gaillard , Laurent Grasso , Markus Hansen , Tommy Hilding , Filip Mirazovic , Nicolas...Read more -
Tommy Hilding at Södertälje Konsthall
”Yellow / Gult”, Södertälje Konsthall, Sweden, 4.2—31.3 2012 February 4, 2012Exhibiting artists: Olle Bonniér, Lena Cronqvist, Ann Edholm, Staffan Hallström, Tommy Hilding, Jarl Ingvarsson, Evert Lundquist, Bjarne Melgaard, Håkan Rehnberg, Johan Scott, Laris Strunke, Ulf...Read more
Review in Omkonst, Tommy Hilding
Susanna Slöör, Omkonst, March 16, 2023 -
Review in Omkonst, Tommy Hilding
Susanna Slöör, Omkonst, December 4, 2019 -
Review in Konsten, Tommy Hilding
Jakob Anckarsvärd,, November 30, 2016 -
Review in Omkonst, Tommy Hilding
Leif Mattsson, Omkonst, November 23, 2016
Review in SvD, Tommy Hilding
Dan Backman, SvD, November 16, 2016 -
Review in Nerikes Allehanda, Tommy Hilding
Stefan Nilson, Nerikes Allehanda, March 29, 2015 -
Review in SvD, Tommy Hilding
Joanna Persman, SvD, May 31, 2014 -
Review in Omkonst, Tommy Hilding & Johanna Karlsson
Bengt Jahnsson-Wennberg, Omkonst, May 26, 2014
Review in SvD, Tommy Hilding
Håkan Nilsson, SvD, January 16, 2013 -
Review in Omkonst, Tommy Hilding
Niels Hebert, Omkonst, January 16, 2013 -
Review in Konsten, Tommy Hilding
Anders Olofsson,, January 15, 2013 -
Review in SvD, Lars Arrhenius & Tommy Hilding
Håkan Nilsson, SvD, April 6, 2011
Review in SvD, Tommy Hilding
Joanna Persman, SvD, September 4, 2009 -
Review in Omkonst, Tommy Hilding
Leif Mattsson, Omkonst, September 2, 2009 -
Review in Omkonst, Tommy Hilding
Leif Mattsson, Omkonst, March 29, 2006 -
Review in Omkonst, Tommy Hilding
Leif Mattsson, Omkonst, May 12, 2003