Richard Johansson
Berguv / Eurasian Eagle-owl, 2022
Esso Vrigstad, 2020
Jane, 2020
Kiviks marknad / Kivik’s Market, 2020
Livets lotteri / The Lottery of Life, 2020
Nollan, 2020
The Twenty-Seven, 2020
En känslosam fågel / A Sentimental Bird, 2018
Texas Hotnights, 2016
Cheerleading for Leonard Peltier, 2015
51st State, 2014
Della Rose, 2013
Richard Johansson’s work could be excepts from a road movie without end. His works involves a constant search for stories and encounters with characters waiting to be discovered. The journey goes beyond the highways and meanders in the darkness ever closer to the core of existence. Images that tenderly depict memories, dreams and personal heroes. Richard Johansson works in a variety of techniques, and thanks to his great craftsmanship skills he can sensitively choose material and technique depending on what he wants to convey.
Richard Johansson was born 1966 in Vrigstad, Sweden, lives and works in Södra Mellby, Sweden. He was educated at Forum Art School in Malmö 1989–94. He has exhibited regularly at galleries, museums, and institutions since the 1990s. He has also made many public commissions, some together with Mette Björnberg. His latest public work, the sculpture Movement, was inaugurated in front of the National Sports Museum in Stockholm 2019. He also runs his own mobile museum, Folk Art Museum, which was first exhibited at Wanås Konst, Sweden, in 2018.
Johanssons arbeten är som hämtade ur en road-movie utan slut. Hans konstnärskap är ett ständigt sökande efter berättelser och möten med karaktärer som väntar på att upptäckas. Resan går bortom allfarvägarna och slingrar sig i mörkret allt närmare existensens kärna. Richard Johansson arbetar i en mängd olika tekniker och tack vare sin stora hantverksskicklighet kan han med fingertoppskänsla välja material och teknik beroende på vad han vill förmedla.
Richard Johansson är född 1966 i Vrigstad, Småland, bor och arbetar i Södra Mellby, Kivik. Han är utbildad vid Konstskolan Forum i Malmö 1989–94. Han har ställt ut regelbundet på gallerier, museer och konsthallar i Sverige sedan 1990-talet. Han har också utfört en stor mängd offentliga utsmyckningar, vissa tillsammans med Mette Björnberg. Hans senaste offentliga skulpturer, Movement, invigdes utanför Riksidrottsmuseet i Stockholm 2019. Han driver också ett eget mobilt museum, Folkkonstmuseum, som under våren 2018 visades på Wanås Konst.
Richard Johansson | M/S Evigheten / M/S Eternity
The inner room of the gallery / Galleriets inre rum 8 May - 5 Jun 2025We are pleased to announce the exhibition M/S Eternity with works by Richard Johansson in the inner room of the gallery. Richard Johansson’s (Sweden, b. 1966) works could be excerpts...Read more -
Showroom presentation | October-November
Works by gallery artists 14 Oct - 18 Nov 2023In our showroom we regurarly display artworks by gallery artists. Please click on the link below to explore what we have currently on view: Showroom presentation, October-November 2023Read more -
Richard Johansson | Fåglarna / The Birds
10 Sep - 15 Oct 2022(Scroll down for Swedish) We are pleased to start the season with Richard Johansson’s ninth exhibition at the gallery. The Birds presents 30 new sculptures which have been shown in...Read more -
Källan / The Spring
Group Exhibition with Gallery Artists 2 Jun - 16 Jul 2022
Summer Group Show
Group Exhibition with Gallery Artists 12 - 24 Jun 2021(Scroll down for Swedish) We are pleased to present a summer group show with works by gallery artists. Participating artists: Mamma Andersson, Idun Baltzersen, Amy Bennett, Helene Billgren, Anna Bjerger,...Read more -
Richard Johansson | Dagar och Nätter / Days and Nights
3 Oct - 7 Nov 2020(Scroll down for Swedish) We are pleased to present Days and Nights by Mette Björnberg and Richard Johansson. Two parallel solo exhibitions with a common title. Mette Björnberg is presented...Read more -
Främlingar / Strangers
Group exhibition with gallery artists 20 Jul - 1 Aug 2019(Scroll down for Swedish) This exhibition is a personal selection of works that all formally resemble the portrait. Some of them are made as portraits of specific people, while others...Read more -
Market Art Fair 2019
Richard Johansson 12 - 14 Apr 2019(Scroll down for Swedish) We are pleased to present a solo exhibition with Richard Johansson (b. 1966) in booth #35 at this year’s edition of Market Art Fair in Stockholm,...Read more
Stockholm Calling, London
Asia House, London, UK, 2.10–7.10 2018 2 - 7 Oct 2018Galleri Magnus Karlsson moves to London this autumn! After nearly 20 years at art fairs in Europe and the USA we are trying out new ways of presenting our artists...Read more -
Cries and Whispers / Viskningar och rop
Mamma Andersson, Anna Bjerger, Niklas Eneblom, Sara-Vide Ericson, Carl Hammoud, Richard Johansson, Susanne Johansson & Johanna Karlsson 3 Mar - 15 Apr 2018Cries and Whispers is a group exhibition presenting Swedish contemporary painting and sculpture. Here, eight artists, born in the 60s, 70s and 80s, are invited to represent a figurative art...Read more -
Spotlight #2
Group exhibition with gallery artists 27 Oct - 6 Nov 2016(Scroll down for Swedish) We have the pleasure to present Spotlight #2 , a short group exhibition where we introduce current works by a selection of the gallery artists. We...Read more -
Chart Art Fair 2016
roger andersson, mette björnberg, thomas broomé, marcel dzama, kent iwemyr, richard johansson, johanna karlsson, klara kristalova, jockum nordström, bella rune, charlie roberts & dan wolgers 26 - 28 Aug 2016We hope to see you at this year’s edition of Chart Art Fair at Kunsthal Charlottenborg in Copenhagen Denmark! This year we are sharing space with Galleri Bo Bjerggaard (#29)....Read more
c/o Hotel le Manoir
Group exhibition with gallery artists 14 Sep - 31 Dec 2015(Scroll down for Swedish) Galleri Magnus Karlsson has partnered with Hotel le Manoir in Banyuls-sur-Mer, France. We will make on-site exhibitions with gallery artists and also work towards an exchange...Read more -
Richard Johansson | 51st State
23 Mar - 3 May 2015We are pleased to present Richard Johansson's seventh solo exhibition at the gallery; 51st State . Richard Johansson works in a variety of techniques, and thanks to his great craftsmanship...Read more -
mamma andersson, roger andersson, lars arrhenius, thomas broomé, sara-vide ericson, carl hammoud, tommy hilding, kent iwemyr, richard johansson, susanne johansson, lisa jonasson, ulf lundin, klara kristalova, maria nordin & dan wolgers 9 Apr - 17 May 2014(Scroll down for Swedish) We are pleased to present the group exhibition 2014 . A selection of gallery artists including: Mamma Andersson, Lars Arrhenius, Thomas Broomé, Sara-Vide Ericson, Carl Hammoud,...Read more -
Time Waits for Us
Gallery Artists 30 May - 18 Aug 2013(Scroll down for Swedish) Galleri Magnus Karlsson is pleased to announce a group exhibition that will be on display throughout the summer. In conjunction with the inauguration of Nationalmuseum’s temporary...Read more
Market Art Fair 2013
Thomas Broomé, Richard Johansson, Susanne Johansson, Charlie Roberts & Lisa Jonasson 15 - 17 Feb 2013 -
Richard Johansson | Travelogues
6 Oct - 6 Nov 2011(Scroll down for Swedish) Travelogues is Richard Johansson's sixth solo exhibition in the gallery. The title of the exhibition is not based on actual journeys. Rather, the dreams and fantasies...Read more -
Idag är igår imorgon / Today is Yesterday Tomorrow
Gallery Artists 24 Aug - 1 Oct 2010In the autumn of 2010 Galleri Magnus Karlsson celebrates its first 20 years with the exhibition “Today is Yesterday Tomorrow”. Since the inception the gallery has presented Swedish contemporary art...Read more -
Richard Johansson | They Always Come Back
11 Nov - 19 Dec 2009Galleri Magnus Karlsson is pleased to present Richard Johansson’s fifth solo exhibition in the gallery. In Richard Johansson’s new exhibition he has worked from without two artworks in the Swedish...Read more
Richard Johansson | Nya verk av gamla tankar / New works from old thoughts
16 Feb - 18 Mar 2006 -
Galleriet / The Gallery
Group Exhibition with Gallery Artists 1 - 24 Sep 2005Participating artists: Mamma Andersson, Roger Andersson, Lars Arrhenius, Bianca Maria Barmen, Mette Björnberg, Marcel Dzama, Niklas Eneblom, Carl Hammoud, Tommy Hilding, Kent Iwemyr, Richard Johansson, Johanna Karlsson, Klara Kristalova, Petra...Read more -
Richard Johansson
20 Feb - 22 Mar 2003Galleri Magnus Karlsson har glädjen att presentera Richard Johanssons (f. 1966) andra utställning på galleriet i Stockholm. I utställningen visas en ny serie bemålade reliefer (vinylfärg på mdf). Liksom i...Read more -
Richard Johansson
5 Nov - 6 Dec 1998
Fåglarna / The Birds
Richard Johansson Richard Johansson, Nicolas Hansson, Galleri Magnus Karlsson, 2022 Read more -
Richard Johansson, Åke Edwardson, Yukiko Duke Richard Johansson, David Skoog, 2020 Read more -
Mette Björnberg & Richard Johansson Mette Björnberg, Richard Johansson, Thomas Kjellgren, Nicolas Hansson and Per Engström, 2009 Read more
Richard Johansson receive Gunnar and Lilly Persson art award
Ystad Konstmuseum, November 27, 2024 December 4, 2024From Press release: Yesterday, it was time for the Culture Festival at Ystad Theater and the art museum's director Ýrr Jónasdóttir was on hand to...Read more -
Mette Björnberg & Richard Johansson at Galerie Hartwich
"A Swedish Suite", Galerie Hartwich, Sellin, Rügen, Germany, 16.11 2024 – 16.2 2025 November 13, 2024Opening: Friday November 15 at 8 PM. Exhibition with : Mette Björnberg Richard Johansson Hannes Michanek More information: www.galerie-hartwich.deRead more -
Richard Johansson at Galleri Ping-Pong
”Dessa dagar”, Galleri Ping-Pong, Malmö, Sweden, 21.9–12.10 2024 September 12, 2024More information to come. galleripingpong.seRead more -
Mette Björnberg & Richard Johansson at Porvoo Triennal 24
”Space is a Common Thing”, Porvoo Triennal, Borgå, Finland, 8.6–30.8 2024 May 31, 2024Från pressrelease: Välkommen till Borgå Triennalen 2024. Årets tema är “Space is a Common Thing”. En samtida stadskonstfestival som tar dig genom staden och dess...Read more
Richard Johansson at Galleri PS
”Kir Royal”, Galleri PS, Göteborg, Sweden, 4.5–19.5 2024 April 30, 2024Vernissage 4.5 kl 12–16 För mer information: www.gallerips.seRead more -
Showroom presentation – Jockum Nordström & Richard Johansson
The inner room of the gallery, 13.2–9.3 2024 February 14, 2024Currently on view in our showroom is a presentation of drawing by Jockum Nordström and sculptures by Richard Johansson. Explore the works Please contact us...Read more -
Mette Björnberg & Richard Johansson at Galleri Thomas Wallner
”Polyfoni 6 med 96 konstnärer firar galleriets 50-årsjubileum”, Galleri Thomas Wallner, Simris, Sweden, 16.3—2.6 2024 February 13, 2024For more information: www.gallerithomaswallner.comRead more -
A film about Richard Johansson and his exhibition ”The Road” at Ystad Art Museum
Richard Johansson speak about his life as an artist and the exhibition "The Road" at Ystad Art Museum 10/6—5/11 2023 July 5, 2023View a film about Richard Johansson and his exhibition 'The Road' at Ystad Art MuseumRead more
Anna Bjerger & Richard Johansson at Vargåkra Gård
”En salig blandning”, Vargåkra Gård, Hammenhög, Sweden, 24.6–15.8 2023 June 19, 2023Medverkande konstnärer: Torsten Andersson, Anna Bjerger, Ann Blom, Niels Bonde, Karin Broos, Magali Cunico, Ann Edholm, Celie Eklund, Johan Furåker, Hertha Hanson, Jan Håfström, Richard...Read more -
Richard Johansson at Ystads konstmuseum
”Vägen / The Road”, Ystads konstmuseum, Sweden, 10.6–5.11 2023 June 1, 2023(scroll down for Swedish) From press release: Opening: Saturday 10.6, 12—16 Richard Johansson is a fearless and curious artist who is interested in cultures and...Read more -
Thomas Broomé & Richard Johansson at Public Art Agency Sweden
”Konst på väg”, Statens konstråd, Stockholm, Sweden, 9.5—15.8 2023 May 3, 2023(Scroll down for Swedish) Thomas Broomé and Richard Johansson is participating in a group exhibition at the Public Art Agency Sweden in Stockholm. Opening 9.5,...Read more -
Conversation about ”The Birds” between Richard Johansson and Lars Melin
Thursday October 6, 6:00 pm September 26, 2022We are pleased to invite you to an artist talk with Richard Johansson and Lars Melin. The conversation circles around Richard Johansson's current exhibition The...Read more
Folkkonstmuseum is open!
12–5 PM, Saturday—Sunday 24.9–25.9 2022, Kivik, Sweden September 23, 2022Richard Johansson’s Folkkonstmuseum is open 12–5 pm on Saturday and Sunday, 24.9–25.9. Address: Svinaberga Backe 1 277 35 Kivik (Södra Mellby) Sweden +46761695916Read more -
Richard Johansson at Lidköpings Folkets Hus
Folkkonst på Folkan, Lidköpings Folkets Hus, Lidköping, Sweden, 26.8–4.9 August 30, 2022Lidköpings Folkets Hus och Stenportsplatsen gästas under 26.8–4.9 av Sveriges minsta Folkkonstmuseum signerat Richard Johansson. Richard Johansson (f. 1966 i Vrigstad) är verksam och bor...Read more -
Richard Johansson at Smålands konstarkiv, Vandalorum
”Hunters & Collectors”, Smålands konstarkiv, Vandalorum, Värnamo, Sweden, 14.5–28.8 2022 May 1, 2022Opening reception Saturday 14.5 at 2 pm A conversation between Åke Edwardson and Richard Johansson at 3 pm For more information: Från pressrelease: Invigning...Read more -
”Föreställningar om naturen”, Västerås konstmuseum
Sara-Vide Ericson, Tommy Hilding, Richard Johansson& Johanna Karlsson et al., Västerås konstmuseum, Sweden January 25, 2020Från pressrelease: Välkommen på vernissagen för utställning 'Föreställningar om naturen' lördag den 25 januari kl 14.00. Mikael Ahlund, konsthistoriker och museichef för Gustavianum i Uppsala...Read more
Review in Omkonst, Richard Johansson
Susanna Slöör, Omkonst, September 17, 2022 -
Review in Dagens Nyheter, Richard Johansson
Birgitta Rubin, Dagens Nyheter, July 14, 2022 -
Review in Omkonst, Mette Björnberg & Richard Johansson
Susanna Slöör, Omkonst, November 2, 2020 -
Review in Omkonst, Richard Johansson
Leif Mattsson, Omkonst, April 15, 2015