Selected News
Kent Iwemyr | Showroom Presentation
Galleri Magnus Karlsson, Inner Room of the Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden, 21.3–29.3 2025Kent Iwemyr’s exhibition From One Day to Another Time at Bror Hjorths hus has now ended, however we are pleased to present a selection of works from the exhibition in... -
Bella Rune at Kulturhuset
”The Magic Power of the Needle”, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden, 16.4–3.8 2025From press release: (In Swedish only) Sedan urminnes tider har nål och tråd varit grundläggande verktyg i människans liv. Utställningen The Magic Power of the Needle samlar tolv konstnärer från... -
Mamma Andersson & Jens Fänge at Sven-Harrys Konstmuseum
”Where We Are", Sven-Harrys Konstmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden, 3.4–14.9 2025From press release: (Scroll down for Swedish) What happens when the familiar suddenly feels foreign? In Where We Are , some of Sweden's most interesting and significant contemporary artists come... -
Home Encyclopedia
Anna Bjerger, Karin Faxén Sporrong March 18, 2025Published in conjunction with the exhibition Home Encyclopedia 15.3–19.4 2025 at Galleri Magnus Karlsson. Essay by Karin Faxén Sporrong Translation: Gabriella Berggren Graphic design: Magnus Karlsson 150 SEK / €... -
Jockum Nordström at Lunds konsthall
”Ingenting är omöjligt för oss”, Lunds konsthall, Lund, Sweden, 5.4–18.5 2025From press release: (In Swedish only) En helt unik utställning framtagen av Lunds konsthall och Litteralund, för att fira Litteralunds 20-årsjubileum. Vi har valt ut 10 internationella och 10 svenska... -
Mamma Andersson & Marcel Dzama at David Zwirner
”Studio Conversations”, David Zwirner, Paris, France, 1.4–24.5 2025From press release: (In English only) David Zwirner is pleased to present Studio Conversations , an exhibition curated by Anaël Pigeat, curator and art critic, structured as a series of... -
Klara Kristalova at the 61st International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia
Nordic Countries Pavilion announces artists for the 61st International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di VeneziaFrom press release: (In English only) The Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma has selected Klara Kristalova, Benjamin Orlow and Tori Wrånes to represent the Nordic Countries Pavilion at the 61st International... -
Interview in Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, Sara-Vide Ericson
February 25, 2025Read an interview with Sara-Vide Ericson in Swedish Polar Research Secretariat (in Swedish). -
Bella Rune & Jonas Nobel at Thielska Galleriet, Stockholm
”Tillsammans / Together”, 15.2–24.8 2025This year, the Thiel Gallery is celebrating its 100th anniversary. The centennial begins with Together , an exhibition to highlight the fact that the Thiel Gallery is the result of... -
Review in DN, Bella Rune & Jonas Nobel
February 25, 2025Read the review here! (In Swedish) -
Klara Kristalova at Liljevalchs
”Stockholm konst gästar Liljevalchs+”, Liljevalchs+, Stockholm, Sweden, 14.3–27.4 2025From press release: (In Swedish only) Stockholm konst ansvarar för stadens konstsamling. För fjärde året i rad ställs ett urval av de senaste nyförvärven till samlingen ut i Liljevalchs+ mellan... -
Article in Market Art Fair Stories: Bella Rune & Alejandro Sintura
February 22, 2025Read the articly in Market Art Fair Stories. -
Roger Andersson, Peter Köhler, Jockum Nordström, Johanna Karlsson and Klara Kristalova at Moderna Muséet
”YET ANOTHER MORNING / Ännu en morgon”– DRAWING IN THE MODERNA MUSEET COLLECTION, Stockholm, Sweden, 22.2 2025 – 10.5 2026Möt hundratals verk av svenska och internationella konstnärer som tecknar. Utställningen ”Ännu en morgon – Teckning i Moderna Museets samling” visar både konst som vi känner igen som ”penna på... -
Review in PhotoBook Journal, Ulf Lundin
February 20, 2025Read the review by Rudy Vega in PhotoBook Journal. -
Carl Hammoud at Lora Reynolds Gallery
”Mise En Abyme”, Lora Reynolds Gallery, Austin, Texas, USA, 21.2—26.4 2025Press release (in English only): Lora Reynolds is pleased to announce Mise en Abyme , an exhibition of paintings and drawings by Carl Hammoud—the artist’s fifth project with the gallery.... -
Petra Lindholm at Konstväxlingar
Skanstull, Stockholm, 1.1–31.3 2025På Skanstulls tunnelbanestation har videokonsten skapat rörelse sedan 2004. Både internationellt och lokalt baserade konstnärer ingår i programmet. Första veckan visas filmerna även på Spårvägsmuseet. Det nya konståret börjar med... -
Idun Baltzersen at Oseana
”Nine Norwegians in the Collection”, Oseana, Bergen, Norway, 29. 1–23.3 2025From Press release: The exhibition shows new works by nine Norwegian artists from the Grieg Art Collection: Idun Baltzersen, Sverre Bjertnæs, Marie Buskov, Anna Daniell, Steinar Haga Kristensen, Lotte Konow...